Wilab Developer Portal

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5G Developer Portal

We streamline the development & monetization of 5G Apps and Value Added Services

Getting Started

This section will help you get started with the Network Performance API service.


Ensure secure access by including your developer token in the request Authorization header.

User journey

Utilize the GET /msisdn/[number]/... or GET /location/[geohash]/... endpoints to retrieve information about network performance.

  • Number: Identify the mobile phone number for which you want to get performance information of the network providing coverage. Use the number path parameter in your request, following the e164 format: +13055555678.

  • Geohash: Identify the area for which you want to get performance information of the network providing coverage. Use the geohash path parameter, which identifies a location with an alphanumeric string, like 9qqjeg1pj.

  • Radius (Optional): Define the radius coverage for the analytic requested. If not provided, the default value is 3.0 kilometers. Use the radius query parameter in your request, e.g., 3.0.

The possible endpoint paths providing a phone number or a specific location by geohash are:

  • /gnbactiveratio
  • /gnbcomputingusage
  • /gnbmemoryusage
  • /gnbdiskusage
  • /numofue
  • /sesssuccratio
  • /hosuccratio